Version 14.5
SaaS: Nov 18, 2023 On-Premise: Dec 27, 2023Enhancements (14 September 2024)
- Bug Fix: The constraint date was set to 12:00 Am by default which lead to the error scheduling the task.
- Bug Fix: File level access control missing.
- Bug Fix: Client Unable to Upload Attachments or Add Comments to App Items as Creator or Requestor
- Bug Fix: Users not receive the email notification 'Task is ready to start because all predecessors are complete,' despite having the notification preference checked.
- Bug Fix: Adding an all day non-working exception for everyone in a work calendar greys out the day when the exception was and an additional next day.
- Bug Fix: Expense Amount shown to users who do not have view privilege of Expense
- Bug Fix: Validation message for the report count on the dashborad not shown correctly.
- Improvement - The character limit for the report description has been increased, allowing you to add up to 500 characters now.
Enhancements (10 August 2024)
- Multi-Factor Authentication (BETA).
- Ability to Hide Due Date and priority fields for Apps.
- Bug Fix: Users will not be overwhelmed with app emails. If multiple emails are valid, they will receive only the most relevant one.
- Bug Fix: Default values for custom fields were not captured or added when the project was imported using MSP.
Enhancements (22 July 2024)
- Bug Fix: Unexpected error in 'Stacked Bar' output when 'Y-Axis' is set to '# Tasks,' '# Project,' and '# App' in Task, Project, and Apps reports.
- Bug Fix: Currency symbol displays incorrectly in 'stacked bar' reports with 'show totals on labels' checked and the report set to 'On the same bar.'
- Bug Fix: The system triggers a constraint violation message when adding a new task under a summary task if the hierarchy includes a task with an MSO constraint.
Enhancements (8th July 2024)
- Enhancement to the custom field functionality by allowing the end user to select a symbol / currency descriptor for custom fields of type Currency & formula fields that returns an output of type Currency.
- Ability to delete expenses in bulk.
- Bug Fix - Recently accessed reports were not shown under the recents menu.
Enhancements (21st June 2024)
- Bug Fix - The Expense feature being turned off in the admin section prevented users from performing time proxy for others.
- Bug Fix - In a specific scenario, personal dashboards were removed from user profiles.
- Bug Fix - The 'Recalculating Projections' option was missing from the project overview 3-dots icon.
- Bug Fix - Project-level access control was not visible to non-admin project managers.
- Bug Fix - Non-admin users couldn't see the add icon on the Files tab despite having permissions.
- Bug Fix - The time out field displayed past dates if time out is set beyond 596 hours.
Enhancements (16th May 2024)
- Bug Fix - The Gantt icon was duplicated on the project overview page.
- Bug Fix - Non-admin users received "permission denied" messages when importing app items via CSV, even if they were project managers.
Enhancements (3 May 2024)
- Bug Fix - Validation for task names during time import will now be limited to the project itself, rather than across all projects.
Enhancements (27 April 2024)
- Ability to delete files in Bulk.
- Jira /Devops to Celoxis Integration (Beta Version) released for On Premise.
- Trend Reports can now retrieve data spanning 12, 24, or 36 months in a single fetch.
- Improvement - When importing apps via CSV, users can conveniently select the app type they're importing instead of specifying in CSV.
- Bug Fix - Clients can now use the forgot login or password feature when SSO is set to Live.
- Bug Fix - In a particular scenario, a user report displayed a "limit exceeded" message despite fetching only one user using a name filter.
Enhancements (26 March 2024)
- Beta version of Jira/Azure DevOps integration for SAAS customers.
- Improvement - Session timeout extended to 1 hour. When "stay signed" is checked, session lasts for 1 year. With SSO enabled, session lasts for 1 hour.
- Bug Fix - Client profile will not see payment overdue icon.
- Bug Fix - Client was unable to save edits to their profile.
- Bug Fix - Budget Health was showing ERR! when budget/planned cost is zero & actual cost is added on the projects.
- Bug Fix - Clicking on view discussion on the email template will take you to the discussion page.
- Bug Fix - Until date was not honoured while scheduling a report.
Enhancements (24 February 2024)
- Admin can now set a threshold to abbreviate financial figures.
- Bug Fix - Admin can now see all the scheduled reports and dashboards irrespective of the sharing.
Enhancements (14 February 2024)
- Bug Fix: Unable to add Project Specific Job Role rates in a specific scenario.
- Bug Fix: Timeouts when deleting large projects from the recycle bin.
- Bug Fix: Users without permissions could edit Invoiced time entries in the Auto Approval workflow.
- Bug Fix: Double-clicking in Calendar caused overlapping event pop-ups.
- Bug Fix: Non-admin users unable to edit/delete events they created for others.
- Improvement: Archiving user replacement is now optional.
- Improvement: Bulk delete of app items enabled.
- Performance enhancements implemented.
Enhancements (30 January 2024)
- Bug Fix: Email Notifications was not working for the automatic daily timesheet remainder.
- Improvement: Moved Files option to more menu in LHS.
- Bug Fix: Last user name was not displayed in user report.
18 Nov 2023
This is mostly a performance improvement release. This release also introduces user access types which enables you to optimize your pricing.
- Improvement - The 'Virtual' checkbox is now moved to the 'Access Type' drop down when adding/editing users.
- Improvement - The 'virtual' field reference is replaced with 'accessType' in API for user entities.
- Improvement - Time Phased report renamed to 'Trend'.